Orlando, FL/Charlotte, NC


Exhaust is thundering from the engines. Plumes of fire are eating away the sides of the plane. Would I be able to save everyone? Or were we doomed?           

from–Jada Sly, Artist and Spy, by Sherri Winston


Ever wondered what motivates a 10-year-old spy? Sure you have! Wonder no more. Visit @bowlofsherrisart or @iamsherriwinston for a change to get inside the mind of a young spy on the ultimate mission–to prove that her recently deceased mother is NOT deceased but instead living in New York City.

Search the hashtag #JadaSly and hit “follow.” That’s it. That’s all you have to do to be entered into a weekly drawing for a free book. Go ahead. Anyone can do it.

And if you’re a good readers from Goodreads.com, follow the journey. From now until the end of November, I will be giving away copies of Jada Sly, Artist and Spy. All you need to enter is to become a new follower on Instagram. Honest! Cross my heart. That’s all there is to it!

Go on, then. Click, click, click! And keep your eyes peeled–it’s part of your spy training. I think you’ll make a wonderful spy. And more clues will lead to more prizes to come. Shh! More on that later.

The competition starts today and ends on Thanksgiving Day.

Click “follow” @bowlofsherrisart or @iamsherriwinston, #JadaSly, and just like that–presto! Blamo! You’re enrolled in the weekly drawing. Ahhh ….that feels good!

2 responses to “JADA SLY, ARTIST and SPY, BOOK GIVEAWAY”

  1. Andrea Parisi Avatar
    Andrea Parisi

    Done! Miss you my friend! FYI check tags at the bottom of your email…there is a typo in “DIVERESE”…hate it when letters pop in my posts or emails where they don’t belong! Happens to the best of us.


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  2. sherri winston Avatar
    sherri winston

    Thank you, Angela! Done and dusted. (I’ve been listening to a lot of British Audible 🙂

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